
Télécom Paris is at the heart of a rich ecosystem. An IMT school, a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The School has been awarded labels for the quality of its training and research and works closely with partner schools.

An IMT school

IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) is a French Federal Institute of Technological Universities of science and management for sustainable economic development.
Created to meet France’s economic and industrial development needs since the nineteenth century, IMT’s Technological Universities have supported every industrial and communications revolution.
Through research and the training of engineers, managers and PhDs, IMT is addressing the major industrial, digital, energy and ecological challenges facing France, Europe and the entire world.

Founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Télécom Paris is a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), a world-class scientific and technological institution. Mostly located on Paris-Saclay venue, IP Paris is a partnership between Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télecom SudParis, with HEC as a key partner.

Students, research professors and staff benefit from close relationships between the different institutions.

IP Paris 6 écoles : Polytechnique, ENSTA, Ponts, ENSAE, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis

Founding member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)

Télécom Paris is a founding member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), a think tank that promotes the collective expertise of its members and the role of the Grandes Écoles in the landscape of higher education and research.

It produces reports, studies and investigations that serve as national benchmarks and is responsible for representing its members before public authorities and stakeholders in business and society.

It takes a public position on issues related to higher education and research and promotes the interests and image of the schools at the national and international level. Lastly, the CGE is an accreditation body for its member schools’ training programs.

Accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI)

The CTI is the French Engineering Qualifications Commission).

Télécom Paris’s engineering program is accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI, the French Engineering Qualifications Commission). The accreditation was renewed in 2012 for the maximum duration of 6 years.

The CTI is an independent organization which has been legally mandated to accredit public and private institutions to award engineering degrees since 1934. The ministries involved grant accreditation to institutions in France and abroad, based on the opinion of the CTI. It contributes to the continuous improvement of engineering programs and their integration in the European area and internationally.

CNRS Joint Research Unit

The I3 Research Laboratory, the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation, was created in 2012 through an initiative of Mines ParisTech and Télécom Paris. In 2014, École Polytechnique became a member. As of January 1st, 2015, i3 became a CNRS joint research unit (UMR 9217).

Carnot Label

Télécom Paris research has been awarded the Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique label. The Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute is France’s premier Carnot Institute dedicated to information and communication sciences and technologies.
It offers cutting-edge research and integrated solutions to the complex technological issues that have emerged in the ongoing digital, energy, environmental and industrial revolutions in France:

  • Communication and data processing networks and systems
  • Strong interactions between interfaces and content
  • Critical role of communication in the development of uses

Supported by an incubator

Télécom Paris Novation Center is Télécom Paris’s incubator. It has supported innovative entrepreneurship and provided structure and assistance for digital projects since 1999. It is in keeping with the School’s motto, “Innovating in a digital world.” The incubator provides customized support, whether individually or in a group setting, for all entrepreneurs.

Supported by Télécom Paris Alumni

With over 16,000 alumni, the School can count on its strong alumni network, coordinated by the Télécom Paris Alumni association. For over seventy years, the association has brought together students and alumni from all degree programs (engineering, Master’s, Post-Master’s, PhD programs), provided a wide range of services and tools and led and developed a network based on events, conferences and discussion groups.

Supported by Fondation Mines-Télécom

Télécom Paris is supported by Fondation Mines Télécom, whose mission is to support IMT schools in training, innovation, research and foresight missions at the heart of the digital, industrial, energy and education transformations.

With its dozen or so partner programs, three of which are founding programs, 60 corporate partnerships and support from over 1,700 private donors, alumni and parents of students, the foundation is committed to four major areas:

  • Training: fostering excellence and an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging social diversity
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship: developing creativity and entrepreneurship for economic growth
  • Supporting research: supporting research projects and promoting the expertise of research professors
  • Foresight: promoting forward-looking thinking and identifying trends at the heart of the industrial and societal transformations of the 21st century

L’écosystème de l’ÉcoleThe School Ecosystem

Télécom Paris est membre de :Télécom Paris is member of:
Accréditée par la CTI • Membre de la CGE • Label qualité Carnot • Soutenue par la Fondation Mines-Télécom • Nos diplômés