Portrait David Massé
David MasseAssociate Professor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

David Massé is an associate professor, head of the economics and management group at Télécom Paris, associate professor at the École Polytechnique and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (i3). He holds a doctorate in management from the École polytechnique and worked for five years as a researcher at Ubisoft’s Strategic Innovation Lab. His work focuses on the organization of the creative industries, the impact of digital technology on innovation processes and the different business models and action logics of the collaborative economy.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects
  • Associate professor in  Management, Télécom Paris
  • Co-Head of the Economics and Management Group, Télécom Paris
  • Affiliate professor in Management, École polytechnique
  • Researcher, Institut interdisciplinaire de l'innovation (i3, UMR 9217, CNRS)
  • Visiting professor, Jao Tong University - SPEIT, Shanghai

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