Portrait Roland Badeau
Roland BadeauProfessor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Roland Badeau is Full Professor in the Signal, Statistics and Machine learning (S2A) team of the Image, Data, Signal (IDS) Department at Télécom Paris. His research interests focus on statistical modeling of non-stationary signals (including adaptive high-resolution spectral analysis and Bayesian extensions to NMF), with applications to audio and music (source separation, denoising, dereverberation, multipitch estimation, automatic music transcription, audio coding, audio inpainting). He is a co-author of over 30 journal papers, over 130 international conference papers, a book chapter and 4 patents.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Latest research

Roland Badeau. Statistical wave field theory. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2024, 156 (1), pp.573 – 599.

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Research themes

  • Room acoustics: statistical modeling of reverberation
  • Data representation: dimensionality reduction, time-frequency analysis (high resolution)
  • Modeling: probabilistic latent variable models, source models (positive matrix factorizations, sinusoidal models, sparse models, etc.), propagation models (convolutional, diffuse)
  • Algorithms: Bayesian estimation, optimization methods, fast adaptive algorithms, performance analysis, convergence speed, numerical stability, algorithmic complexity
  • Applications to audio signals: source separation/localization, audio coding, restoration, denoising, dereverberation, sound scene analysis, music information retrieval
  • Other applications: biomedical data analysis, digital communications, image processing


  • Engineering training at Télécom Paris, 1st year and Master cycle (2nd and 3rd years, M1&M2 levels): Applied Mathematics and Signal Processing
  • Master 2 ATIAM, Sorbonne Université: Music signal processing
  • Master 2 MVA, ENS Paris-Saclay: Audio-frequency signal analysis
  • Master 2 CIMES, ESPCI and Sorbonne Université: Signal and image processing, statistics


  • Supervision of doctoral and master’s theses
  • Supervision of teaching units at Télécom Paris and in the ATIAM and MVA M2 programs
  • Supervision of the TSIA study track (Signal Processing for Artificial Intelligence) at Télécom Paris
  • Correspondent of the Master ATIAM at Télécom Paris

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