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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Télécommunications Optiques (GTO)Optical Telecommunications (GTO)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Communications et Électronique (Comelec)Communications and Electronics (Comelec)
Frédéric Grillot is Professor at Télécom Paris and at the University of New Mexico (USA). He was also a Visiting Professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) where he taught laser dynamics and quantum mechanics. His current research focuses on photonics and quantum technologies for optical communications. In particular, his studies include new light emitters exploiting inter-band or inter-sub-band transitions, non-linear photonics in semiconductors, as well as complex sub-wavelength optical systems. Frédéric Grillot is the author of numerous contributions in optics, photonics and optoelectronics inluding some in high impact factor journals (Nature Light Science & Applications, Advanced Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Nanophotonics). He has contributed to the development of the quantum dot technology, and produced seminal research in nonlinear dynamic and light-matter interaction in quantum cascade lasers. Those results are meaningful for future neuromorphic computing and secure free-space communication links using chaotic mid-infrared waveforms. Frédéric Grillot is a Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), and a Senior member of the Optical Society of America and of the IEEE Photonics Society.
Read more about Frédéric Grillot’s research activities.
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