Site web personnelPersonal Web Site
Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG)Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
Full professor at Télécom Paris. DIG (Data, Intelligence, Graphs) Team in Computer Science.
Fabian M. Suchanek is a full professor at Télécom Paris. He developed inter alia the YAGO knowledge base, one of the largest public general-purpose knowledge bases, which earned him a honorable mention of the SIGMOD dissertation award. His interests include information extraction, automated reasoning, and knowledge bases. Fabian has published around 90 scientific articles, among others at ISWC, VLDB, SIGMOD, WWW, CIKM, ICDE, and SIGIR, and his work has been cited more than 10,000 times.
Keywords: semantic web, knowledge bases, information extraction, natural language processing, automatic reasoning.
La lettre du LTCI (2024 #1#2)
PhD, Faculty Members — 11/07/2024Nouvelle dénomination d'équipe. Finale nationale MT180. Télécom Paris Ideas. Évaluation Hcérès. Outil anti-plagiat en doctorat. Workshop [...]La lettre du LTCI (2023 #4)
PhD, Faculty Members — 20/12/2023Ada Diaconescu nouvelle responsable du département Infres, Distinctions pour Isabelle Bloch, Frédéric Grillot, Ghaya Rekaya, Michele Wigger.La lettre du LTCI (2023 #3)
PhD, Faculty Members — 13/10/2023Florence Tupin nouvelle responsable du dépt. IDS, Cyberattaques, Lasers quantiques, 5+G, YAGO, Impact carbone, ELEVATE Center, Journée [...]La lettre du LTCI (2022 #4)
— 19/01/2023Élections. Nouveaux arrivants. Google Award Inclusion. Meilleur poster. Ma thèse en 3 min. Smart Gardens. Micro-architecture. IA. ChatGPT. NoRDF. C3S. Agenda [...]Beau parleur comme une IA (The Conversation/I’m Tech)
Data Science & AI, Faculty Members — 26/12/2022Fabian Suchanek et al. : Les intelligences artificielles apprennent à parler grâce aux [...]La lettre du LTCI (2022 #3)
— 06/10/2022Ubiquitous Networks: Excellent Paper Award. Deux distinctions d'articles pour l'équipe IMAGES. ANR Jeune chercheur. Prix Science ouverte. Et aussi : actualités [...]YAGO software awarded by the Committee for Open Science
Faculty Members, Very Large Networks and Systems — 30/08/2022Fabian Suchanek has been awarded the 2022 Prize for Open Science in Research Data for his [...]Le logiciel YAGO récompensé par le Comité pour la science ouverte
Faculty Members, Very Large Networks and Systems — 30/08/2022Fabian Suchanek a reçu du comité Ouvrir la science ! le Prix science ouverte des [...]JPE : à la rencontre de nos partenaires entreprises
Corporate Partnerships — 22/03/2022Nos JPE (Journées Partenaires Entreprises) annuelles ont eu lieu les 10 et 11 mars 2022. Pour la première fois, notre [...]A new way to make black box models interpretable
Digital Trust, Data Science & AI — 17/06/2021Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have provided us with very powerful predictive models, which can [...]