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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Signal, Statistique et Apprentissage (S2A)Signal, Statistics and Learning (S2A)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Image, Données, Signal (IDS)Image, Data, Signal (IDS)
Florence d’Alché-Buc has been since 2014 a full professor at Télécom Paris, an IMT grande école. Previously, she was a professor at Université d’Evry, an ATIGE (Genopole Thematic Incentive Actions) researcher and joint head of the IBISC lab. She launched and managed the Challenges program as part of the PASCAL European network (2004-08) and since 2017, has become the scientific director of the Digiscome Labex. Her research is on machine learning, network inference, structured prediction and dynamical system modeling.
Since January 2019, she holds the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry and Services Research and Teaching Chair.
From September 2021, she is Images, Data, Signal department head.
She has authored more than 80 articles in international journals and conference proceedings.
Research interests
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, bioinformatics & medical applications.
Subdomains: (Operator-valued) Kernel Methods, Structured Output Prediction, Reliable Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems Modeling.
As part of her teaching work, she was for several years co-head of the Data Science Master 2 at Université Paris-Saclay jointly awarded by École Polytechnique, ENSAE Paris and Université Paris Sud. She participated in the conception of the new continuous education programs in artificial intelligence: a Post-Master Degree and a specialist certificate. She is also responsible for the Bearing Point Data Science Education Chair.
@Télécom Paris
- Machine Learning (2nD Year, level Master 1)
- PACT Project
- PRIM Project
@Ecole polytechnique
Master of Mathematics and applications, Université Paris-Saclay
- Advanced Machine Learning: from theory to practise
- Structured Data: learning, prediction, dependency, testing
@Télécom Evolution
Professional training:
- Specialized Certificates Studies (CES) Data Scientist: Introduction to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning and Advanced Machine Learning
And also
University Professor on secondment, Université d’Evry/Université Paris-Saclay.
Associated member and founder of the group AROBAS at IBISC, Université d’Evry/Université Paris-Saclay.
Occasional collaborator of CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique.
La lettre Ideas : Hydrogène naturel, Optique libre, IA frugale, Impact des réseaux
— 04/12/2024Le potentiel de l’hydrogène naturel révélé par l’IA. Les réseaux : quel impact environnemental ?[Ideas] Comment rendre l'IA frugale ?
Data Science & AI, Faculty Members — 27/11/2024Florence d'Alché-Buc : Pourquoi cette notion a-t-elle émergé? Comment élaguer les modèles d’IA?La lettre Ideas : Bioinformatique, Expliquer et sécuriser l'IA
— 08/10/2024Et aussi : Innovation et responsabilité écologique peuvent-elles converger ?[Ideas] Explicabilité et confiance en l’IA ?
Digital Trust, Data Science & AI, Faculty Members — 02/10/2024Florence d'Alché-Buc : Ces questions se posent avec acuité depuis l'arrivée des IA génératives, [...]EDS 2024: ELLIS Doctoral Symposium on Machine Learning Research
Data Science & AI — 03/09/2024Focusing on AI & Sustainability, it was held on August 26-30, 2024. It gathered PhD students to present and [...]#TélécommiennesInTech : elles témoignent
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PhD — 16/12/2022Three Télécom Paris PhD students each received a poster prize at the IP Paris Doctoral School day on Dec. 13, 2022: Simon Delarue (Computing, Data and [...]Data science et performance industrielle
Corporate Partnerships, Data Science & AI — 17/06/2022Valeo, partenaire industriel de la chaire Data Science & Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry & [...]#TélécommiennesInTech: testimonials
PhD, Engineers, Faculty Members — 08/03/2022Women professors, students, doctoral student: they tell us about their interests, their career path, why digital technology and [...]La détection d’anomalies : un domaine en exploration
Data Science & AI — 01/07/2021Si la collecte, le stockage et l’analyse sont les premiers traitements appliqués aux données massives qui viennent [...]Women in Data Science @Paris-Saclay
PhD, Engineers, Data Science & AI — 03/06/2021Dans le cadre de WiDS @ Paris-Saclay 2021, Inria Saclay, Télécom Paris - IP Paris et Total organisent deux webinaires : [...]Shedding some light on black box algorithms
Data Science & AI, Faculty Members — 07/04/2021Winston Maxwell, legal researcher, and Florence d’Alché-Buc, researcher in machine learning, both at Télécom [...]Éclairer la boîte noire des algorithmes
Data Science & AI, Faculty Members — 22/02/2021Winston Maxwell, chercheur en droit et Florence d’Alché-Buc, chercheuse en machine learning, tous deux à [...]Conférence « Machine Learning in Science & Engineering », Columbia University
— 10/12/2020Florence d’Alché-Buc, Professeure à Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, fera une allocution [...]Columbia University “Machine Learning in Science & Engineering” Conference
— 08/12/2020Florence d’Alché-Buc, Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, will give a keynote [...]