Equipe IMAGES : Images, Modélisation, Analyse, GEométrie et Synthèse
- Elsa Angelini, Professeure
- Pietro Gori, Maître de Conférences
- Yann Gousseau, Professeur [Responsable de l’équipe]
- Christophe Kervazo, Maître de Conférences
- Said Ladjal, Maître de Conférences
- Arthur Leclaire, Maître de Conférences
- Loïc Le Folgoc, Maître de Conférences
- Henri Maître, Professeur émérite
- Amal Dev Parakkat, Maître de Conférences
- Michel Roux, Maître de Conférences
- Florence Tupin, Professeure
- Kiwon Um, Maître de Conférences
Enseignants-chercheurs détachés
- Isabelle Bloch (Sorbonne Université)
- Tamy Boubekeur (Adobe Research)
- Alasdair Newson (Sorbonne Université)
Chercheurs associés
- Catherine Adamsbaum, Hôpital Kremlin-Bicêtre
- Loic Denis, Telecom St Etienne
Proches Collaborateurs
- Andrés Almansa – CNRS, MAP5, Université Paris Cité
- George El Fakhri, MGH (USA)
- Andrew Laine, Columbia University (USA)
- Pooran Memari – CNRS, LIX
- Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Institut Pasteur
Doctorants :
- Marie Arrivat (since 2023) Data efficient and weakly supervised learning for computational pathology Dir E. Angelini, P. Gori, S. Hadj (Tribun Health)
- Carlo Alberto Barbano (since 2021) Dir P. Gori, with Università Torino
- Emile Barbier-Renard (since 2022) Deep learning and representation spaces for multi-sensor satellite image interpretation Dir F. Tupin
- Edouard-Pierre Baudoin (since 2022) Dir. P. Gori, I. Bloch
- Zoe Berenger (since 2021) Deep learning and SAR tomography for forest monitoring Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
Thomas Bultingaire (since 2023) Change detection in multimodal remote sensing images Dir F. Tupin, C. Kervazo, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
Pierrick Chatillon (since 2020) Texture synthesis. Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Lefebvre (ONERA)
- Nicolas Cherel (since 2020) Video inpainting: patch-based methods and deep learning Dir. Y. Gousseau, A. Newson, A. Almansa (CNRS – Univ Paris Cité)
- Erwan Dereure (since 2021), Development of algorithms for quantitative imaging of bioluminescent signals in mice, Dir. E. Angelini, J-C. Olivo Marin (Institut Pasteur), with C. Kervazo
- Francesco Fossella (since 2023) Turbulence modeling and fluid data assimilation using machine learning. Dir K. Um, M. Desbrun (INRIA & Ecole Polytechnique), L. Biferale (Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
- Victor Gaya (since 2022) Frequency analysis of satellite radar imagery for 3D reconstruction Dir. F. Tupin
- Carla Geara (since 2023) Fusion of multimodal satellite images applied to high-resolution estimation of 3D forest structure. Dir F. Tupin, E. Colin (ONERA), C. Gelas (Kanop)
- Antoine Habis (since 2021) Smart Annotation For Artificial Intelligence: Applications to histopathology images. Dir. E. Angelini, J-C. Olivo Marin (Institut Pasteur)
- Rassim Hadjeres (since 2021) New approaches for non linear blind source separation, application to remote sensing Dir. C. Kervazo, F. Tupin
- Ali Keshavarzi (since 2023) Vessel & airway tree deep-modeling on large cohorts of lung CT scans Dir E. Angelini
- Robin Louiset (since 2020) Deep learning mental disease supervised prediction with subgroup constraints Dir P. Gori, with Neurospin
- Ali Mammadov (since 2022) Deep SjS: a deep learning approach for the diagnosis and evolution prediction of the Sjögren’s syndrome combining histological images, clinical and biological data Dir P. Gori, J. Adam-G (Hospital St Joseph)
- Ines Meraoumia (since 2020) Deep learning for satellite image understanding Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne)
- Ismael Mounime (since 2023) Posterior Estimation of MRI and PET parametric maps using variational auto-encoders: Application to brain images, Dir. E. Angelini, P. Gori, G. El Fakhri (HGH, Harvard Medical School)
- Chloe Paliard (since 2020) Computer graphics and simulations Dir. K. Um, N. Thuerey, M. Cagnazzo, with Univ. Munich
- Arnaud Quillent (since 2022) Deep learning for 3D reconstruction in tomosynthesis Dir. I. Bloch, S. Ladjal, C. Kervazo, with General Electric
- Raphael Reme (since 2022) Leveraging Deep-Learning for the robust tracking of single particles in biological imaging: Application to the automatic, long-term tracking of individual neurons calcium activity in moving animals Dir. E. Angelini, A. Newson, T. Lagache (Institut Pasteur)
- Camille Ruppli (since 2020) Optimizing the annotation workload in supervised learning. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, R. Ardon (Incepto)
- Emma Sarfati (since 2022) Learning methods for the characterization of cholangiocarcinoma and helping therapeutic choices. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, A. Bone (Guerbet)
Anandhu Sureshkumar (since 2023) VR-based shape synthesis and editing. Dir A. Dev Parakat, M-P Cani (Ecole Polytechnique), S. Hahmann (INRIA & Univ. of Grenoble)
Critiano Ulondu Mendes, (since 2023) Deep learning for 3D reconstruction in multi-sensor remote-sensing imaging Dir F. Tupin, C. Kervazo, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
Rebeca Vetil (since 2021) AI methods to assist the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases in radiology. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, M.-M. Rohe (Guerbet)
Thèses soutenues récemment :
- Francois Anton (2019-23) Handling topological variability in atlas construction for brain glioblastoma Dir P. Gori, J. Glaunes (Uni. Paris Cité)
- Yanis Chemli (2019-23) Super-resolution imaging for brain positron emission tomography. Dir. I. Bloch, G. El Fakhri (MGH, Harvard Medical School)
- Yanis Djebra (2019-23) Free-Breathing, Three-Dimensional T1 Mapping of the Heart. Dir. I. Bloch, G. El Fakhri (MGH, Harvard Medical School)
- Matthis Maillard (2019-23) Deep learning for generating atlases of glioblastomas Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, with Sainte Anne hospital
- Raphael Achddou (2019-23) Neuronal restoration of textured images Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Ladjal
- Raphael Achddou (2019-23) Neuronal restoration of textured images Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Ladjal [Now postdoc at EPFL]
- Emanuele Delsasso (2018-22) Deep learning for SAR imagery : from denoising to scene understanding Dir. F. tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne) [Now postdoc at Telecom Paris and CNAM]
- Benoit Duffumier (2019-22) Representation learning in neuroimaging: transferring from big healthy data to small clinical cohorts Dir P. Gori, A. Tenenhaus (CentraleSupelec), E. Duchesnay (NeuroSpin) [Now postdoc at EPFL]
- Nicolas Gasnier (2018-22) Exploitation of multi-temporal and multi-sensor data for extracting water surfaces within SWOT mission Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne), with CNES (R. Fjortoft) [Now Engineer at CNES]
- Alban Gauthier (2019-22) Morphing and level-of-detail operators for interactive digital material design and rendering Dir. T. Boubekeur, J.M. Thiery (Adobe Research)
- Robin Kips (2019-22) Neural rendering for improved cosmetics virtual try-on Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, M. Perrot (L’Oreal) [Now Applied Research Scientist at Meta]
- Giammarco La Barbera (2019-22) Learning anatomical digital twins in pediatric 3D imaging for renal cancer surgery Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, L. Rouet (Philips Healthcare) [Now post-doc at Necker Hospital – Imagine Institut)]
- Elie Michel (2019-2022) Interactive Authoring of 3D Shapes Represented as Programs Dir. T. Boubekeur. [Now Research Scientist at Adobe Research]
- Arthur Ouaknine (2018-22) Deep learning for exploiting radar data in autonomous driving Dir. JM Nicolas, A. Newson, F. Tupin, with VALEO (P. Pérez). [Now postdoc at McGill University and Mila]
- Mateus Riva (2019-22) Spatial Relational Reasoning in Machine Learning: Deep Learning and Graph Clustering Dir I. Bloch, P. Gori [Now AI Data Engineer at Valeo R&D]
- Jérémie Schertzer (2017-22) Exploitation of modern graphics card architecture for real-time rendering of large linesets Dir. T. Boubekeur
- Xu Yao (2019-22) Latent representations for facial images and video editing Dir. Y. Gousseau, A. Newson
Post-Docs et Sabbatiques
- Yunlung He (2023-24)
- Florence Carton (2021-2022)
Ingénieurs de Recherche
- Yoann Vigouroux (2022-2023), Technology transfer on medical imaging harmonisation, Ref: E. Angelini