Equipe IMAGES : Membres

Equipe IMAGES : Images, Modélisation, Analyse, GEométrie et Synthèse




Responsable : Yann Gousseau. yann.gousseau@telecom-paris.fr


                  Département IDS (Images, Données, Signal)



Enseignants-chercheurs détachés

  • Isabelle Bloch (Sorbonne Université)
  • Tamy Boubekeur (Adobe Research)
  • Alasdair Newson (Sorbonne Université)

Chercheurs associés

  • Catherine Adamsbaum, Hôpital Kremlin-Bicêtre
  • Loic Denis, Telecom St Etienne

Proches Collaborateurs

Doctorants :

  • Marie Arrivat (since 2023) Data efficient and weakly supervised learning for computational pathology Dir E. Angelini, P. Gori, S. Hadj (Tribun Health)
  • Carlo Alberto Barbano (since 2021) Dir P. Gori, with Università Torino
  • Emile Barbier-Renard (since 2022) Deep learning and representation spaces for multi-sensor satellite image interpretation Dir F. Tupin
  • Edouard-Pierre Baudoin (since 2022) Dir. P. Gori, I. Bloch
  • Zoe Berenger (since 2021) Deep learning and SAR tomography for forest monitoring Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
  • Thomas Bultingaire (since 2023) Change detection in multimodal remote sensing images Dir F. Tupin, C. Kervazo, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
  • Pierrick Chatillon (since 2020) Texture synthesis. Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Lefebvre (ONERA)
  • Nicolas Cherel (since 2020) Video inpainting: patch-based methods and deep learning Dir. Y. Gousseau, A. Newson, A. Almansa (CNRS – Univ Paris Cité)
  • Erwan Dereure (since 2021), Development of algorithms for quantitative imaging of bioluminescent signals in mice, Dir. E. Angelini, J-C. Olivo Marin (Institut Pasteur), with C. Kervazo
  • Francesco Fossella (since 2023) Turbulence modeling and fluid data assimilation using machine learning. Dir K. Um, M. Desbrun (INRIA & Ecole Polytechnique),  L. Biferale (Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
  • Victor Gaya (since 2022) Frequency analysis of satellite radar imagery for 3D reconstruction Dir. F. Tupin
  • Carla Geara (since 2023) Fusion of multimodal satellite images applied to high-resolution estimation of 3D forest structure. Dir F. Tupin, E. Colin (ONERA), C. Gelas (Kanop)
  • Antoine Habis (since 2021) Smart Annotation For Artificial Intelligence: Applications to histopathology images. Dir. E. Angelini, J-C. Olivo Marin (Institut Pasteur)
  • Rassim Hadjeres (since 2021) New approaches for non linear blind source separation, application to remote sensing Dir. C. Kervazo, F. Tupin
  • Ali Keshavarzi (since 2023) Vessel & airway tree deep-modeling on large cohorts of lung CT scans Dir E. Angelini
  • Robin Louiset (since 2020) Deep learning mental disease supervised prediction with subgroup constraints Dir P. Gori, with Neurospin
  • Ali Mammadov (since 2022) Deep SjS: a deep learning approach for the diagnosis and evolution prediction of the Sjögren’s syndrome combining histological images, clinical and biological data Dir P. Gori, J. Adam-G (Hospital St Joseph)
  • Ines Meraoumia (since 2020) Deep learning for satellite image understanding Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne)
  • Ismael Mounime (since 2023) Posterior Estimation of MRI and PET parametric maps using variational auto-encoders: Application to brain images, Dir. E. Angelini, P. Gori, G. El Fakhri (HGH, Harvard Medical School)
  • Chloe Paliard (since 2020) Computer graphics and simulations Dir. K. Um, N. Thuerey, M. Cagnazzo, with Univ. Munich
  • Arnaud Quillent (since 2022) Deep learning for 3D reconstruction in tomosynthesis Dir. I. Bloch, S. Ladjal, C. Kervazo, with General Electric
  • Raphael Reme (since 2022) Leveraging Deep-Learning for the robust tracking of single particles in biological imaging: Application to the automatic, long-term tracking  of individual neurons calcium activity in moving animals Dir. E. Angelini, A. Newson, T. Lagache (Institut Pasteur)
  • Camille Ruppli (since 2020) Optimizing the annotation workload in supervised learning. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, R. Ardon (Incepto)
  • Emma Sarfati (since 2022) Learning methods for the characterization of cholangiocarcinoma and helping therapeutic choices. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, A. Bone (Guerbet)
  • Anandhu Sureshkumar (since 2023) VR-based shape synthesis and editing. Dir A. Dev Parakat, M-P Cani (Ecole Polytechnique),  S. Hahmann (INRIA & Univ. of Grenoble)
  • Critiano Ulondu Mendes, (since 2023) Deep learning for 3D reconstruction in multi-sensor remote-sensing imaging Dir F. Tupin, C. Kervazo, L. Denis (Mines St Etienne)
  • Rebeca Vetil (since 2021) AI methods to assist the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases in radiology. Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, M.-M. Rohe (Guerbet)

Thèses soutenues récemment :

    • Francois Anton (2019-23) Handling topological variability in atlas construction for brain glioblastoma Dir P. Gori, J. Glaunes (Uni. Paris Cité)
    • Yanis Chemli (2019-23) Super-resolution imaging for brain positron emission tomography. Dir. I. Bloch, G. El Fakhri (MGH, Harvard Medical School)
    • Yanis Djebra (2019-23) Free-Breathing, Three-Dimensional T1 Mapping of the Heart. Dir. I. Bloch, G. El Fakhri (MGH, Harvard Medical School)
    • Matthis Maillard (2019-23)  Deep learning for generating atlases of glioblastomas Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, with Sainte Anne hospital
    • Raphael Achddou (2019-23) Neuronal restoration of textured images Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Ladjal
    • Raphael Achddou (2019-23) Neuronal restoration of textured images Dir. Y. Gousseau, S. Ladjal [Now postdoc at EPFL]
    • Emanuele Delsasso (2018-22) Deep learning for SAR imagery : from denoising to scene understanding Dir. F. tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne) [Now postdoc at Telecom Paris and CNAM]
    • Benoit Duffumier (2019-22) Representation learning in neuroimaging: transferring from big healthy data to small clinical cohorts Dir P. Gori, A. Tenenhaus (CentraleSupelec), E. Duchesnay (NeuroSpin) [Now postdoc at EPFL]
    • Nicolas Gasnier (2018-22) Exploitation of multi-temporal and multi-sensor data for extracting water surfaces within SWOT mission Dir. F. Tupin, L. Denis (Telecom St Etienne), with CNES (R. Fjortoft) [Now Engineer at CNES]
    • Alban Gauthier (2019-22) Morphing and level-of-detail operators for interactive digital material design and rendering Dir. T. Boubekeur, J.M. Thiery (Adobe Research)
    • Robin Kips (2019-22) Neural rendering for improved cosmetics virtual try-on Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, M. Perrot (L’Oreal) [Now Applied Research Scientist at Meta]
    • Giammarco  La Barbera (2019-22) Learning anatomical digital twins in pediatric 3D imaging for renal cancer surgery Dir. I. Bloch, P. Gori, L. Rouet (Philips Healthcare) [Now post-doc at Necker Hospital – Imagine Institut)]
    • Elie Michel (2019-2022) Interactive Authoring of 3D Shapes Represented as Programs Dir. T. Boubekeur. [Now Research Scientist at Adobe Research]
    • Arthur Ouaknine (2018-22) Deep learning for exploiting radar data in autonomous driving Dir. JM Nicolas, A. Newson, F. Tupin, with VALEO (P. Pérez). [Now postdoc at  McGill University and Mila]
    • Mateus Riva (2019-22) Spatial Relational Reasoning in Machine Learning: Deep Learning and Graph Clustering Dir I. Bloch, P. Gori [Now AI Data Engineer at Valeo R&D]
    • Jérémie Schertzer (2017-22) Exploitation of modern graphics card architecture for real-time rendering of large linesets Dir. T. Boubekeur
    • Xu Yao (2019-22) Latent representations for facial images and video editing Dir. Y. Gousseau, A. Newson


Post-Docs et Sabbatiques

  • Yunlung He (2023-24)
  • Florence Carton (2021-2022)
  • Anca Ralescu (entre 2015 et 2019)

Ingénieurs de Recherche

  • Yoann Vigouroux (2022-2023), Technology transfer on medical imaging harmonisation, Ref: E. Angelini