Jean-Louis DessallesAssociate Professor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Jean-Louis Dessalles is associate professor at Télécom Paris in the LTCI laboratory and a member of the DIG research team. He uses artificial intelligence to model and simulate the relevance that characterizes spontaneous human communication.

For a decade, he has been developing the Theory of Simplicity, which serves as a basis for modeling narrative interest and argumentative relevance. He also works on the simulation of evolutionary processes and on the fundamental question of the origin of human language, considered as a social signalling game. He is the author of several books, including Why We Talk (Oxford University Press. 2007), La pertinence et ses origines cognitives (Hermes), Le fil de la vie (Odile Jacob, 2016), Des intelligences TRÈS artificielles (Odile Jacob, 2019).

Home Page:  https://www.dessalles.fr

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Academic background

Admitted to the École Polytechnique (Paris) in 1976, he graduated from Télécom Paris (then École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) in 1981, received his PhD in 1993 and was awarded an HDR  (habilitation to direct research) in 2008 at the Université Paris-Sorbonne.

Jean-Louis Dessalles’s research focuses on the fundamental principles underlying the faculty of language and its biological origins. In particular, he studies narrative interest and argumentative relevance, as well as the conditions that make honest communication between potentially selfish agents possible, in order to explain the emergence and evolution of language.


Télécom Paris – Courses in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Modelling

SD206 Logic and knowledge representation (LKR)
SD213 Cognitive approach to Natural Language Processing (CANLP)
Athens TPT09 Social Emergence in Complex Systems (SECS)
Athens TPT37 From Complexity to Intelligence (FCI)

Selected bibliography

Des intelligences TRÈS artificielles. Paris: Odile Jacob. 2019. (ISBN 978-2738147141)

Le Fil de la vie. La face immatérielle du vivant (avec Pierre-Henri Gouyon et Cédric Gaucherel). Paris: Odile Jacob. 2016. (ISBN 978-2-7381-3395-3)

La pertinence et ses origines cognitives, Nouvelles théories. Paris: Hermes-sciences. (ISBN 978-2746220874)

Why We Talk, The evolutionary origins of language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2007. (ISBN 978-0-19-927623-3)

« Language: The missing selection pressure ». ArXiv, 1712.050. 2017 (DOI. 10.13140/RG.2.2.11892.04489)

« Optimal investment in social signals« . Evolution 68(6). 2014 (DOI. 10.1111/evo.12378)

« Algorithmic simplicity and relevance« . In D. L. Dowe (Ed.), Algorithmic probability and friends – LNAI 7070, 119-130. Berlin, D: Springer Verlag. 2013 (DOI. 10.1007/978-3-642-44958-1_9).

Home Page: https://www.dessalles.fr


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