Portrait Jean-Samuel Beuscart

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Jean-Samuel Beuscart is a sociologist and joined Télécom Paris in 2022. After completing his PhD at ENS Cachan in 2006, he became a researcher in the social sciences department of Orange Labs, where his research focused on digital markets and digital consumption. He combines an economic sociology of markets with Internet studies in order to explore topics such as the digitization of cultural markets, the mechanisms of online cultural participation or the use of digital recommendation systems. He published Promouvoir les oeuvres culturelles (2012) and Sociologie d’internet (2016) and he obtained his HDR in 2019. His current work focuses on the use of digital tools to foster sustainable behaviors and on the articulation between the digital and the ecological transitions.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

My current research focuses on the forms of digital consumer guidance. Inside the ANR RECORDS project, I examine the uses and interpretations that listeners make of automated recommendation tools, according to the contexts of use and to their musical culture. Another stream of my research focuses on digital devices for consumer ecologization (carbon footprint calculators, product recommendation applications, facebook groups) and the ways in which they accompany the recomposition of daily consumption practices. My teaching at Télécom Paris currently focuses on the sociology of digital technology and on the environmental issues of digital technology.

Interrogation du serveur HAL en cours...Waiting for HAL server...