Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Numérique, Organisation et Société (NOS)Digital Technologies, Organization and Society (DTOS)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation (i3)Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation (i3)
Département :Department:
Sciences Économiques et Sociales (SES)Economics and Social Sciences (SES)
Valérie Beaudouin is a graduate of the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE 1991), and then prepares a doctorate in language sciences at the EHESS, which she obtained in 2000. She holds an HDR in sociology (Université Paris Descartes, 2018).
After ENSAE, while preparing her thesis, she worked at the Centre de recherche pour l’observation des conditions de vie (Crédoc) in the 1990s. She initially specialized in methods and tools for the automatic analysis of texts (textmining). Then, until 2008, she was in charge of the « Uses, Creativity, Ergonomics » laboratory at France Telecom R&D, which became Orange Labs’ Sense laboratory, dedicated to the application of human sciences to innovation. Her research now focuses on the written word in digital usage, on digital-related changes (sociability, cultural practices, new forms of writing and reading), on information overload and on the analysis of contemporary forms of innovation.
Her work Mètre et rythme du vers classique. Corneille et Racine explores, with methods derived from computer linguistics and on sets of verses (80,000 verses from Corneille et Racine’s theatre), the relationships between metre and rhythm in verse. Based on the rhythm theory of Pierre Lusson and Jacques Roubaud, he proposes a hierarchical metric model of Alexandria, where each level of the model is made up of a metric unit that repeats itself.
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— 26/03/2021Valérie Beaudouin, professeure au département SES à Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris et membre [...]Retour sur le webinaire « À la recherche de l'égalité »
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