
Séminaire ICE « Do chips drive you nuts ? Une balade dans le marché aux puces… »

The advances in the semiconductor technologies have enabled the last four-decade revolutions in many fields such as wired/wireless communications, computing, IoT and lately in IA and ML. Integrated circuit or microchip design is thus key element in the development of any technological system.
In this seminar, we will present, in a very simple way, accessible for neophytes, the steps and tools for IC design. We will highlight the specifities and differences between analog, RF and digital circuit design.
We will base our presentations on our latest works (Data converters, 4G wireless receiver, mmWave 5G TX…). We will discuss the latest advances in the semiconductor world from the 3 nm transistors to Taiwan military tensions.

Chadi Jabbour received the M.Sc. degree from the Ecole Supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, France, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree from Télécom Paris in 2010. He is currently an Associate Professor in the electronics and communications department at Télécom Paris. His research interests include data converters design and calibration, post and pre distortion for communication systems, and flexible receiver architectures.